Passiflora edulis

Passion fruit

Evergreen climbing plant with deeply three-lobed, shiny dark green leaves, slightly toothed at the margins, and flowers borne in the leaf axils. The violet and white passion flowers have a conspicuous tripartite style surrounded by five male stamens. The oval berry the size of a hen’s egg is yellow to magenta and contains a large number of seeds in a juicy pulp.

To obtain the aromatic, sweet-and-sour fruits, we have to pollinate the passion flowers by hand. The more plants we have here, the greater the likelihood of cross-pollination succeeding.

We have four different passion fruit varieties in the tropical garden. This variety bears large aromatic fruits, which we either sell in the shop when in season or turn into desserts in the restaurant.

Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina

Passifloraceae (Passion flower family)

Passiflora Dülli, 2014

To obtain the aromatic, sweet-and-sour fruits, we have to pollinate the passion flowers by hand. The more plants we have here, the greater the likelihood of cross-pollination succeeding.

We have four different passion fruit varieties in the tropical garden. This variety bears large aromatic fruits, which we either sell in the shop when in season or turn into desserts in the restaurant.

Passiflora edulis