Acca sellowiana

Pineapple guava

Evergreen shrub to small tree having thick, dark green foliage which is white and felty underneath. The fruits that follow the eye-catching flowers are ovate and yellowish-green to dark green. As in all guavas, the remains of the calyx is still present at the pointed end.

The edible flowers have red stamens that look like a small firework. The fruits that develop from these suffuse the Tropenhaus with their sweet and slightly sour scent, just like the common guava, making them easy for the gardening team to find.

The fruits are used raw or as a compote and have a high iodine content.

South America

Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)

Spain, 2009

The edible flowers have red stamens that look like a small firework. The fruits that develop from these suffuse the Tropenhaus with their sweet and slightly sour scent, just like the common guava, making them easy for the gardening team to find.

The fruits are used raw or as a compote and have a high iodine content.

Acca sellowiana