Ziziphus jujuba

Chinese date/Jujube

Medium-sized shrub to tree with alternate, shiny, leathery, dark green leaves. The stone fruits can be up to 6 cm long and have shrivelled reddish to black skin when ripe.

The tree is cultivated as a host plant for the lac insect (Kerria lacca). This scale insect sucks the plant sap and secretes a reddish-orange dye that is used to colour textiles.

Here the jujube grows well outside in the heat of the reflecting panes of the greenhouses. We munch the sweet fruits on the way to the compost heap or dry them.

Afghanistan to China

Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn family)

Spain, 2009

The tree is cultivated as a host plant for the lac insect (Kerria lacca). This scale insect sucks the plant sap and secretes a reddish-orange dye that is used to colour textiles.

Here the jujube grows well outside in the heat of the reflecting panes of the greenhouses. We munch the sweet fruits on the way to the compost heap or dry them.

Ziziphus jujuba