Petiveria alliacea

Anamu/Guinea hen weed

Ground-covering shrub up to 40 cm tall with leaves tapering to a point and spiked inflorescences. It has drooping flower spikes with pale pink flowers and barbed fruits that turn brown when ripe. 

The leaves give off an onion smell when rubbed. In some tropical regions of America they are therefore thought to be a defence against vampires. In actual fact, it is the gardening team at the Tropenhaus that the unpleasant pungent smell of the barbed seeds repels.

Anamu is used as ideal underplanting at the Tropenhaus. The roots and flowers are also said to have healing powers that soothe joint pain.

South America

Phytolaccaceae (Pigeonberry family)

Tropenhaus Wolhusen

The leaves give off an onion smell when rubbed. In some tropical regions of America they are therefore thought to be a defence against vampires. In actual fact, it is the gardening team at the Tropenhaus that the unpleasant pungent smell of the barbed seeds repels.

Anamu is used as ideal underplanting at the Tropenhaus. The roots and flowers are also said to have healing powers that soothe joint pain.

Petiveria alliacea