Evergreen tree up to 20 metres tall with soft, dark green, stalked leaves that have up to 11 alternate pinnate leaflets on each leaf stalk. Wampi produces many-flowered terminal panicles with very small pale flowers. The fruit is a spherical yellowish berry with fine hairs, a tough skin and gelatinous juicy pulp which contains up to five shiny green seeds.
Wampi is mainly grown in China and Vietnam for its grape-like fruits. They have a refreshing, sourish-sweet, fruity taste.
Although we have two large trees here, our wampis have not yet produced any fruit. The leaves have an unusual spicy smell when rubbed.
Southeast Asia
Tropenhaus Wolhusen, 2013
Wampi is mainly grown in China and Vietnam for its grape-like fruits. They have a refreshing, sourish-sweet, fruity taste.
Although we have two large trees here, our wampis have not yet produced any fruit. The leaves have an unusual spicy smell when rubbed.