Herb to small shrub with oblong-ovate to round green leaves with a pointed tip. The flowers are small and usually white to yellow, forming in the leaf axils. The fruit is a berry, usually pointed or oval with several indentations. When ripe, the colour can vary from yellow to orange, red, brown or white. Unripe chillies can be green, purple or black.
The spiciness of chillies is measured on the Scoville scale and depends on the amount of capsaicin contained in the dried berries. In 2013 the Carolina Reaper variety of C. chinense was deemed to be the hottest chilli in the world, recording a value of over 2.2 million Scoville heat units.
Dried, ground, fresh or sold in pretty gift bags, our colourful chillies from the garden can be used almost everywhere. In both the kitchen and the shop, the fresh, sweet, fruity, hot or spicy flavours of the various chillies are very popular.
Central America
The spiciness of chillies is measured on the Scoville scale and depends on the amount of capsaicin contained in the dried berries. In 2013 the Carolina Reaper variety of C. chinense was deemed to be the hottest chilli in the world, recording a value of over 2.2 million Scoville heat units.
Dried, ground, fresh or sold in pretty gift bags, our colourful chillies from the garden can be used almost everywhere. In both the kitchen and the shop, the fresh, sweet, fruity, hot or spicy flavours of the various chillies are very popular.