Citrus sinensis

Blood orange

Up to 10 metre tall evergreen tree with very short thorns, a densely leafy crown and leathery oval leaves. The citrus fruits are orangey-red when ripe and the flesh is divided into segments containing numerous juice sacs.

Blood oranges only develop their typical dark orange colour at cooler temperatures. The optimum temperature range for producing the colour is 15 °C during the day and around 2 °C at night. The temperatures in Frutigen tend to be far too hot and there is no dormancy period at the Tropenhaus.

We harvest the few fruits that appear, but we also like to leave them on the tree for visitors to admire and then wait to see whether they turn dark orange in winter.


Rutaceae (Rue family)
Sanguinea Moscato

Flora Toskana

Blood oranges only develop their typical dark orange colour at cooler temperatures. The optimum temperature range for producing the colour is 15 °C during the day and around 2 °C at night. The temperatures in Frutigen tend to be far too hot and there is no dormancy period at the Tropenhaus.

We harvest the few fruits that appear, but we also like to leave them on the tree for visitors to admire and then wait to see whether they turn dark orange in winter.

Citrus sinensis