Bixa orellana


Shrub or small tree with wide-spreading crown and heart-shaped, prominently veined leaves. The spiny fruit capsules have two chambers filled with 20 to 50 ovate seeds that produce a red dye and are attached to each side of the fruit.

The red achiote seeds are used in South America as a spice in the form of a paste or as a colouring for rice. The native peoples of Ecuador use the red paste for body painting, as an insect repellent and as a hair dye.

The seeds are used to propagate new plants and they are great for demonstrating on our guided tours.


Bixaceae (Achiote family)

Tropenhaus Ruswil

The red achiote seeds are used in South America as a spice in the form of a paste or as a colouring for rice. The native peoples of Ecuador use the red paste for body painting, as an insect repellent and as a hair dye.

The seeds are used to propagate new plants and they are great for demonstrating on our guided tours.

Bixa orellana